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Texas Coalition Urges Congress to Oppose Reconciliation Bill

Austin —The Texas Association of Business (TAB), Texas Public Policy Foundation, local chambers of commerce, and additional business associations sent a letter to the Texas congressional delegation in opposition to the federal reconciliation bill. Tax hikes in the multi-trillion-dollar bill present serious threats to inflation, wages, energy security, and U.S. competitiveness. "A vote for the reconciliation bill is a vote for inflation," TAB CEO Glenn Hamer said. “Tax hikes on businesses will be felt by everyday Americans in the form of reduced wages and increased costs of energy and critical goods. We are already feeling it at the gas pumps and grocery stores. It goes without saying, voters will remember who hurt their wallets.” The letter TAB sent to Congress on November 16, 2021 can be found here.

TAB is the voice for Texas businesses, representing more than 1,500 members and 200 local chambers. United to protect the business-friendly climate, TAB works on the frontlines, in a bi-partisan manner, to deliver real solutions that promote economic development in Texas. Follow TAB on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


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