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An “all-the-above” energy strategy that is balanced, cost-effective, and efficient ensures consistent and

reliable power across Texas. TAB advocates for national and international access to Texas-produced natural gas,

oil and energy without additional regulations.

Data Privacy:
TAB supports a national data privacy standard that enables private sector innovation and protects

the privacy and security of consumer data. We support an effective model that promotes consumer privacy rights

and provides clarity for businesses regarding the responsible processing of consumer data.

Immigration and Visas:
To be truly competitive, Texas requires a federal immigration system that attracts

global talent and investment and creates jobs in our state, including common-sense reforms, including DACA,

visas, and border security. The Texas business community needs an efficient and straightforward visa system and

reformed asylum program that reflects Texas' economic needs in real-time.

Border Security:
TAB advocates for reforms that improve the flow of legal commerce and immigration.

Any border security policy must protect our national border from illicit trade and criminal enterprises while

creating a safe and secure border that works efficiently for commerce, trade, and legal immigration. Additionally,

due to the federal government's inaction, Texas taxpayers have been forced to spend billions on border security.

TAB stands with lawmakers across Texas, calling for the federal government to reimburse the State of Texas.

Taxes: TAB supports preserving the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Texas is the number one exporter of semiconductors, responsible for $19.3 billion

of all U.S. semiconductor and electronic components exports. With the right infrastructure and

roughly 40,000 jobs tied to the industry, TAB advocates for Texas as the best state for the job when

it comes to increasing production and cementing this critical supply chain in the U.S.

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