Austin, TX — The Texas Association of Business, the Texas State Chamber, issued the following statement opposing HB 2021: “Texas employers are saying ‘no’ to higher health care costs for their employees,” said TAB CEO Glenn Hamer. “By preempting ERISA, HB 2021 hurts employer’s ability to offer quality, affordable health care and prescription options that best fit the needs of their employees.”
The Texas State Chamber, joined by the Texas Business Leadership Council, sent a letter to the Texas Legislature, respectfully outlining employer concerns with HB 2021. The letter can be read at
It is a TAB top legislative priority to preserve employee, employer and health plan benefits of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) by opposing any attempt to erode the pro-business environment that makes the State of Texas the envy of the nation. HB 2021, which attempts to preempt ERISA, would negatively impact Texas employers’ ability to offer affordable healthcare benefits, leading to increased costs for employees.